Wednesday 1 December 2010

Analysis of Magazine Advert for an album

Gwen Stefani

Research on Magazines

Our magazine advert for our music album would have to feature in magazines that are young female children would like to read and also magazines that older girls would be interested. As the content in both of these types of magazines would probably not be interesting f for each girl.

For our younger target audience we would feature it in magazines such as Total Girl, and Girl Power

Again Hannah Montana (Miley Cyrus) is pictured on this cover this shows how iconic she is in this younger female target group which means that our magazine advert should appear here because our target group is interested in things such as this.

For our older target group Seventeen magazine is an ideal magazine to feature our magazine advert inside. This is because the magazine is popularly read by teenage girls therefore it would be a good magazine to promote our album.

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