Thursday 28 October 2010

Location Analysis

This is an image of the staircase taken in the house where our artist performs. We believe that the staircase was the best place for our artist to show her performative side as it is a common location in a lot of media for an artist/actor to perform for instance in the 1986's movie Ferris Beuller's Day Off, Ferris performs amateurish on his stairs and house. Therefore since it is a popular media convention it goes well with our video

This is the location of our artists bedroom. We chose this location as part of our establishing shot because it denotes that this is the beginning of the music video because it is a comfortable setting and now the audience will automatically associate our artist as a reserved artist because of the simplicity of the opening location

This image is taken from the TV studio. This is the place where the concert takes place because of the equipment the TV studio has it is effective in creating realistic lighting that you would see in a small concert/gig.

Tuesday 26 October 2010

Training with Final Cut Pro

On this day we had a tutorial on how to use Final Cut Pro which is a software for editing material such as music video available on Apple Computers.

We learnt the basics first:
Alt+X allowed you to get rid of the 'in' and 'out' buttons when you're selecting footage

Apple+Z allowed us to undo

Apple+shift+z allowed us to redo

By pressing the space button on the time line while our music track was playing green marks would appear. This helped us for when we were creating cuts to the beat of the song so we were able to achieve on beat editing.

We learnt about Effects, video transitions, colour corrections, and filtering

Monday 25 October 2010

Other Ideas and Inspirations

Representation of women

Since our music video predominatley is focused on a female we can apply Laura Mulvey's theory of the male gaze to our video. She states that women are reduced to inanimate objects in film. She also says in film cameras will focus on the curves of a woman this is usually through the perspective of males. However I think because we are targeting a specific target audience of about 11-18 year old girls we are empowering young girs by our artist. In our camera work we did not focus on things like the curves of a woman because we wanted to stay away from the accepted ideology of portray women in a sexual way. However we portray Debbie in a fun jokingly matter so it can appeal to our target audience

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Sixth Shooting

This was the last shooting in the tv studio of the drummer and singer though again due to lighting difficulties we will probably reshoot because the quality was not that great

Sunday 10 October 2010

Locations and Prop list

After brainstorming our ideas we had a better idea as to where we were going to shoot our music video.

A regular house
TV studio which would represent a concert setting


Black dress
Pink High Heels
Bright pyjamas
Glittery Jewellery
Reading glasses
Hair piece

Friday 8 October 2010

Fifth Shooting

In this scene we were re-shooting the beginning of our music video because of the bad quality we had produced. These scenes were when our singer was just getting up from bed and when she puts the radio on.

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Fourth Shooting

Today we were shooting in the TV studio so this meant we had to set up our lighting. We were also shooting with the gel lights. Overall we had minimal difficulties conveying what we wanted

Sunday 3 October 2010

Questionnaire towards our Target Audience

Because our target audience is young we aren't able to post any visual photos of their responses to our questions.

Here are the list of questions I asked my target audience

Crystal, 10

How old are you? 10

Do you like music? Sometimes

When you watch music videos, what are the things you like to see?
Well I don't really like watching music videos but I like dancing and I usually like singers but the girl singers.

What is your favourite type of music? music like Katy Perry sings

(when we described the concept of our music video towards our interviewee we asked for her opinion) - It sounds like fun music video, and I like the song Valerie and your video kinda reminds me of Hannah Montana because the singer sounds like her.

What are your favourite movies? I have a lot like Twitches, Karate Kid

From this interview I was able to get an idea of the type of area we would aim our video towards such as Disney because Hannah Montana, Twitches, are all part of the pop culture of young children that they like.

Towards our older spectrum of our target audience I conducted a video interview and asked the same questions towards our interviewee. From her answers it helped us define what exactly we wanted our music video to include.

Friday 1 October 2010

Third shooting

Today we shot the scene where our artist spins around and her outfit changes. This required a lot of precision because our artist had to stay in the same spot while we swopped outfits so we would achieve continuinity