Thursday 28 October 2010

Location Analysis

This is an image of the staircase taken in the house where our artist performs. We believe that the staircase was the best place for our artist to show her performative side as it is a common location in a lot of media for an artist/actor to perform for instance in the 1986's movie Ferris Beuller's Day Off, Ferris performs amateurish on his stairs and house. Therefore since it is a popular media convention it goes well with our video

This is the location of our artists bedroom. We chose this location as part of our establishing shot because it denotes that this is the beginning of the music video because it is a comfortable setting and now the audience will automatically associate our artist as a reserved artist because of the simplicity of the opening location

This image is taken from the TV studio. This is the place where the concert takes place because of the equipment the TV studio has it is effective in creating realistic lighting that you would see in a small concert/gig.

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